Just a quick note about the swimming workout for this week... We did time trials this week for 100m swims and did 6 of them! We did 3 fast 100m then 1 slow 100m to rest. I positioned myself in our rotation and the first time just went all out trying to do "fast"! The first time, by the time I was done, I thought I might die, my heart was pounding, my arms were sore, I was flopping around by the end of the 100m. So I decided to relax and settle at somewhere between "slow" and "fast" so that I could swim them, but not kill myself. (Oh funny, I just realized why the ads in my blog had "Suicide prevention" - not a laughing matter, but funny that it comes up because I'm whining about Ironteam).

So, we did 8 total, and I was pleased that I was able to remain fairly consistent with my timing! I was excited that I passed a few people along the way - even a few guys. When I got out of the pool with arms that felt like rubber, I was surprised to find that the first set that I did was my slowest out of all of them! Partially because that was my "warm up", partially because I was probably being messy instead of working on the most efficient stroke!
Then I didn't do anything after Tuesday to Friday, which I'm regretting. I can't do that again for the rest of the season. Alright, going to bed "early" at 12:24am since we're hitting the road early to ride in Ventura! Should I wear knee pads this time?
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